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Главная » 2011 » Июнь » 12 » RePlay: Guest Mix - This week
RePlay: Guest Mix - This week

In 1019 release of program RePlay: Guest Mix a guest mix from DJ Salah (Luxembourg)! DJ Salah - the founder of a known Latin hit "Amor" (2008). Having moved from Casablanca to Luxembourg, DJ Salah has found the calling in such musical styles as R’n’B and funk! Career as DJ begins since 1995! Since 2001 starts to be engaged in a writing of own music that does its rather known all over the world! In 2006 creates own musical label, in hope to find independent executors and authors of own pieces of music that about their creativity all international scene has learned! DJ Salah cooperates with many known musicians and known labels, such as Sony, Universal, Wagram, Open Bar Music, Ospina Digital, House Sound of La, and Clubstar! DJ Salah is more than simply DJ, is more than the manufacturer of own musical bagatelles, is more than the executor! DJ Salah is a sound, feeling and the most important - a guarantee something unique that remains with you for ever... Will get acquainted with a guest mix it is possible next Tuesday - 18.00 (Moscow time)! The material is kindly given by a label from London (Great Britain) - 40Degrees - which advances the most talented musicians from all planet; give the chance to DJs, musicians to show all potential. 

And in Friday release RePlay: Guest Mix (14.00 on Moscow time) will sound a retrospective show, this mix already sound on air of RePlay in 2008, we have decided it to present again, the mix from Dj Viper quite will approach for summer mood though and for the first time it has sounded in a spring ether of radio show Garage Sound System 4/4/2008 (a mix in due time even was published separately).

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